
Drummer Room
The Eggers family referred to the front bedroom as the Drummer Room. “Drummers” were traveling salesmen who made their business calls on the store (they “drummed up” business) and would require lodging and joined the Eggers family at meals. At various times, seminary students serving Salem church also worked as school teachers and stayed with Eggers family.
The “drummer quilt” hangs above the bed. It was made by Ella from obsolete fabric swatches for men’s suits. The drummer sample cases above the wardrobe remain in tribute to the salesmen who spent the night and joined the Eggers family at the table for meals.
The Drummer Room features a queen size bed and private bath with a shower.

Walt's Room
Walt Eggers lived in the largest upstairs room from 1920 – 1934. It featured an actual closet! Heat was provided by way of the flue that made it’s way up through the floor from the pot belly stove in the store below. After Walt moved away, “Tom’s” son, Homer, then age nine, claimed this room.
Walt’s room features a king-size bed. The bathroom has an old fashioned claw-foot tub and dresser with basin set to mimic the way a bowl and pitcher arrangement would have provided a way for a person to wash in the morning.
Walt’s Room adjoins the Girls’ Room (see below). The door between may stay locked or may be opened if both rooms are reserved together.

The Girls' Room
The three Eggers girls -- Mildred, Vera, and Ruby -- shared the back bedroom. The waterfall dresser and chifferobe belonged to Tom and Ella Eggers and were given to Eggers & Company by one of Ruby’s daughters. Several of Vera’s handkerchiefs have been framed and grace the walls.
The Girl’s Room features a queen size bed and private bath with a full size tub/shower.
The Girls’ room is adjoining to Walt’s Room. The door between may stay locked or may be opened if both rooms are reserved together.

Attic Game Room
Across the hall, all three guestrooms also have access to this additional space for recreation.
The attic playroom is above the house and is where the Eggers children played in wintertime as the brick chimney passing up from the kitchen provided heat, a contrast to the unheated bedrooms of the day. This is a perfect place for late night card games or a round of dominoes.

All three guestrooms have access to the upstairs kitchenette, which also provides an outside exit to a deck and staircase to the backyard and parking area. It was built especially for guests, and features a coffee pot, microwave and small refrigerator.
The hutch in the kitchenette matches the dinette set in the game room and belonged to Tom and Ella Eggers.

Tom and Ella added a front parlor to the house in the 1930’s. Rest and relax with a book or listen to an old time radio show in this comfortable sitting area.

Summer Kitchen
Prior to the addition of the summer kitchen, laundry was done (winter and summer, rain or shine) in great tubs set over a wood fire in the back yard! When it was built, the summer kitchen attached to the house by way of the back porch and historically housed the laundry and also provided a place to put up vegetables in the summer time.
Since Ella heated all water on a wood fired cook-stove, the summer kitchen kept this heat out of the house in the summer and a way to perform laundry tasks under shelter. Homer recalls that the family even put a regular bathtub in the summer kitchen, which replaced the Saturday night practice of placing a large tub on the kitchen floor and filling it with warm water heated on the kitchen stove.
Although the summer kitchen was taken down in the 1970’s, Ellen and Steve have rebuilt this structure according to photo documentation.
Today the summer kitchen has a large hot tub for use by guests for relaxing. The summer kitchen is accessible directly off the backyard by passing the old-fashioned cistern pump.